[00:07:02] Tan_San1 left the game [00:08:57] Tan_San1 logged in [00:34:23] xilence54 logged in [00:54:27] xilence54 left the game [00:55:16] Tan_San1 left the game [00:56:05] Tan_San1 logged in [01:03:24] Tan_San1 left the game [01:03:34] Tan_San1 logged in [01:32:09] lamenkton logged in [01:32:30] lamenkton left the game [02:26:25] xilence54 logged in [03:04:25] xilence54 left the game [03:09:03] Tan_San1 left the game [06:32:00] kkomrako1999 logged in [06:54:09] Gert_fastr logged in [07:08:11] Oleg_war logged in [07:26:02] kkomrako1999 left the game [07:47:44] Oleg_war left the game [08:01:18] Gert_fastr left the game [08:16:45] Gert_fastr logged in [08:20:37] Gert_fastr left the game [08:58:45] casazh1tot logged in [09:23:05] casazh1tot left the game [09:27:07] casazh1tot logged in [09:29:11] casazh1tot left the game [11:03:34] omayarik logged in [11:26:30] omayarik left the game [11:40:35] Itz_Alexa logged in [11:40:47] Itz_Alexa left the game [11:57:05] GeFest_KroysFI logged in [11:58:04] GeFest_KroysFI left the game [13:41:08] Gert_fastr logged in [13:52:44] Oleg_war logged in [14:16:17] Kirill_S logged in [14:18:35] Tan_San1 logged in [14:28:46] Gert_fastr left the game [14:36:29] lamenkton logged in [14:36:59] lamenkton left the game [15:17:28] Kirill_S left the game [15:45:24] serno_1234 logged in [15:58:05] Oleg_war left the game [16:14:31] Tan_San1 left the game [16:14:31] serno_1234 left the game [16:16:32] Tan_San1 logged in [16:17:41] serno_1234 logged in [16:35:05] RFR14 logged in [17:07:13] kkomrako1999 logged in [17:14:46] kkomrako1999 left the game [17:15:09] kkomrako1999 logged in [17:23:46] Kostroma123 logged in [17:24:19] Kostroma123 logged in [17:27:34] Kostroma123 logged in [17:28:34] Kostroma123 logged in [17:29:17] kkomrako1999 left the game [17:29:26] Kostroma123 logged in [17:29:29] kkomrako1999 logged in [17:36:54] Kostroma123 logged in [17:40:57] Kostroma123 logged in [17:45:57] Kenjipn logged in [18:02:53] kkomrako1999 left the game [18:09:39] Tan_San1 left the game [18:09:43] RFR14 left the game [18:16:33] serno_1234 left the game [18:17:02] serno_1234 logged in [18:17:43] Kenjipn left the game [18:19:44] serno_1234 left the game [18:52:28] Itz_Alexa logged in [18:52:46] Itz_Alexa left the game [19:30:02] zerrra logged in [19:31:02] xilence54 logged in [19:42:11] zerrra left the game [19:42:13] xilence54 left the game [20:32:20] Sakamto logged in [21:38:02] Sakamto left the game [22:03:06] Kiril030303 logged in [22:15:53] Kiril030303 left the game [22:40:53] Tan_San1 logged in [22:41:22] RFR14 logged in