[00:00:17] Ansha105 left the game [01:05:01] lamenkton logged in [01:05:40] lamenkton left the game [01:07:00] lamenkton logged in [01:57:59] lamenkton left the game [03:36:29] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [03:38:57] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [05:22:46] ZimaMoroz logged in [05:51:14] zh1z1 logged in [05:51:46] zh1z1 left the game [06:42:33] monstr1367 logged in [06:43:18] monstr1367 left the game [07:00:13] xforce04 logged in [07:00:39] xforce04 logged in [07:01:05] xforce04 left the game [07:09:54] rest_YT logged in [07:13:17] rest_YT left the game [07:31:03] Diman_Grand logged in [07:35:52] ZimaMoroz left the game [07:35:52] Diman_Grand left the game [07:37:56] Diman_Grand logged in [07:42:32] ZimaMoroz logged in [07:46:26] Ansha105 logged in [07:47:16] Ansha105 left the game [08:11:30] Diman_Grand left the game [08:38:42] ZimaMoroz left the game [08:46:57] norman35ch logged in [08:49:53] norman35ch left the game [08:50:08] norman35ch logged in [08:54:09] norman35ch left the game [09:01:36] Catana132 logged in [09:26:20] Catana132 left the game [09:50:10] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [10:04:35] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [11:40:50] msdream logged in [11:41:24] msdream left the game [11:52:55] Decim logged in [12:00:44] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [12:18:04] Decim left the game [12:23:38] ZimaMoroz logged in [12:26:49] Roma_solo228 logged in [12:28:57] Roma_solo228 left the game [12:55:36] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [12:56:24] synced_ logged in [12:58:54] synced_ left the game [13:01:50] Zoyder logged in [13:04:35] sans1002 logged in [13:14:29] Alex_ROR logged in [13:18:20] Alex_ROR left the game [13:29:50] weufr8 logged in [13:32:50] weufr8 left the game [13:33:08] weufr8 logged in [13:39:21] ZimaMoroz left the game [13:42:03] Timanus2016 logged in [13:48:01] Timanus2016 left the game [14:07:34] Zoyder left the game [14:10:03] sans1002 left the game [14:13:51] weufr8 left the game [14:19:06] GhoulXzxc logged in [14:29:32] monstr1367 logged in [14:30:01] monstr1367 left the game [14:31:01] GhoulXzxc left the game [14:45:23] levmazur logged in [14:45:50] shalygil logged in [14:48:25] shalygil left the game [14:51:05] levmazur left the game [14:58:51] lamenkton logged in [14:59:49] lamenkton left the game [15:03:39] Dop_Lop logged in [15:03:47] lamenkton logged in [15:15:46] kvikbol logged in [15:16:33] kvikbol left the game [15:26:06] Dop_Lop left the game [15:28:25] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [15:36:13] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [15:38:50] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [15:39:28] lamenkton left the game [15:39:28] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [15:41:24] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [15:45:11] lamenkton logged in [15:47:56] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [15:48:06] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [15:48:35] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [15:49:13] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [15:49:26] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [15:49:37] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [16:03:18] Ansha105 logged in [16:09:01] Dop_Lop logged in [16:14:41] vallerri logged in [16:19:46] Catana132 logged in [16:33:31] sans1002 logged in [16:38:48] Ponchik3000 logged in [16:39:36] Germun logged in [16:43:24] Ponchik3000 left the game [16:45:22] Ponchik3000 logged in [16:54:48] Ansha105 left the game [16:58:08] Ansha105 logged in [16:58:46] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [17:14:45] Diman_Grand logged in [17:17:17] Germun left the game [17:20:33] Ansha105 left the game [17:23:03] Ponchik3000 left the game [17:24:15] ashrateppey logged in [17:30:21] Decim logged in [17:32:31] Decim left the game [17:40:56] ashrateppey left the game [17:42:46] Zoyder logged in [17:47:29] Ansha105 logged in [17:52:23] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [17:53:11] Top1ggGamer logged in [17:54:29] Top1ggGamer left the game [17:57:27] zh1z1 logged in [17:57:53] zh1z1 left the game [17:58:52] Sunjin logged in [18:02:17] Sunjin left the game [18:12:39] Catana132 left the game [18:15:56] Ansha105 left the game [18:17:24] Dop_Lop left the game [18:21:53] ananaslis14 logged in [18:24:10] vallerri left the game [18:25:43] lamenkton left the game [18:28:59] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [18:29:11] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [18:32:24] B1gBrother logged in [18:34:06] Catana132 logged in [18:35:02] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [18:41:22] ananaslis14 left the game [18:47:39] Top1ggGamer logged in [18:48:10] TERRARI56 logged in [18:50:53] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [18:52:22] zh1z1 logged in [18:58:13] zh1z1 left the game [19:04:12] TERRARI56 left the game [19:04:22] Top1ggGamer left the game [19:07:31] ZongoSigma logged in [19:08:31] ashrateppey logged in [19:09:12] Timanus2016 logged in [19:15:49] B1gBrother left the game [19:15:49] B1gBrother logged in [19:17:03] Catana132 left the game [19:20:54] sans1002 left the game [19:20:55] ZongoSigma left the game [19:24:36] ashrateppey left the game [19:25:13] Timanus2016 left the game [19:27:57] Timanus2016 logged in [19:29:08] ZongoSigma logged in [19:29:32] ZongoSigma left the game [19:37:33] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [19:37:44] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [19:41:18] Diman_Grand left the game [19:41:18] Zoyder left the game [19:41:18] B1gBrother left the game [19:41:18] Timanus2016 left the game [19:41:18] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [19:43:13] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [19:43:22] Diman_Grand logged in [19:44:11] B1gBrother logged in [19:50:08] weufr8 logged in [20:11:45] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [20:11:58] SatoruGojoJJK logged in [20:13:52] ZimaMoroz logged in [20:17:13] Ansha105 logged in [20:21:37] Mashyan logged in [20:22:28] Ansha105 left the game [20:23:07] TERRARI56 logged in [20:23:33] weufr8 left the game [20:26:31] TERRARI56 left the game [20:34:51] Ansha105 logged in [20:41:25] B1gBrother left the game [20:41:42] B1gBrother logged in [20:50:26] B1gBrother left the game [20:52:37] SatoruGojoJJK left the game [20:54:16] Horgood logged in [21:10:39] Ansha105 left the game [21:29:25] Mashyan left the game [21:48:58] FinKrouli logged in [22:12:49] Dashaka220410 logged in [22:13:55] Dashaka220410 left the game [22:14:52] Lepricone logged in [22:20:33] Pupuzyabra logged in [22:21:12] warble logged in [22:23:11] warble left the game [22:24:00] Pupuzyabra left the game [22:36:59] Horgood left the game [22:45:52] Lepricone left the game [22:46:03] Lepricone logged in [22:46:40] gitmen logged in [22:46:57] Archibald7 logged in [23:05:05] ZimaMoroz left the game [23:13:04] Lepricone left the game [23:30:43] Lepricone logged in [23:43:12] Diman_Grand left the game [23:43:12] Archibald7 left the game [23:43:12] Lepricone left the game [23:43:12] FinKrouli left the game [23:43:12] gitmen left the game [23:45:34] gitmen logged in [23:45:53] Archibald7 logged in [23:53:39] Diman_Grand logged in [23:55:42] Lepricone logged in