[00:06:45] Apalonovich logged in [00:06:52] sanyaking228 left the game [00:06:57] seregapixelmon left the game [00:09:51] Apalonovich left the game [00:13:02] Uiwhi logged in [00:16:22] Uiwhi left the game [00:23:33] kitkat2288 logged in [00:24:56] kitkat2288 left the game [00:25:12] kitkat2288 logged in [00:29:24] kitkat2288 left the game [00:29:47] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [00:30:50] IamBANANA logged in [00:36:18] IamBANANA left the game [00:38:19] Sterbenkixa left the game [01:15:36] tegroluv logged in [01:17:07] tegroluv left the game [01:36:38] Ichevskiu logged in [01:36:38] Hinkao logged in [01:45:04] Ichevskiu left the game [02:17:29] Crystalinchik123 logged in [02:22:48] Crystalinchik123 left the game [02:22:48] Crystalinchik123 logged in [02:23:04] mongetf logged in [02:30:34] BurniceWhite logged in [02:34:08] BurniceWhite left the game [02:53:31] Crystalinchik123 left the game [03:21:52] Pulsomir logged in [04:02:39] mongetf left the game [04:28:30] Pulsomir left the game [04:38:20] ThoSulfate logged in [05:03:10] ThoSulfate left the game [05:21:03] Hinkao left the game [05:23:31] Hinkao logged in [05:46:33] Hinkao left the game [06:02:58] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [06:15:27] dag555 logged in [06:26:23] 58gh logged in [06:34:54] dag555 left the game [06:53:04] lamenkton logged in [07:13:42] dag555 logged in [07:16:32] dag555 left the game [07:35:41] 58gh left the game [07:46:46] 58gh logged in [07:57:27] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [08:28:55] Finik_chu logged in [08:50:48] serno_1234 logged in [08:54:00] Finik_chu left the game [08:56:12] serno_1234 left the game [08:59:24] VaLeraMerlen logged in [08:59:43] 58gh left the game [08:59:43] 58gh logged in [09:00:04] 58gh left the game [09:10:16] VaLeraMerlen left the game [09:10:26] sanyaking228 logged in [09:19:35] ggr4ik logged in [09:20:04] Foxs33 logged in [09:23:02] lamenkton left the game [09:23:02] sanyaking228 left the game [09:23:02] ggr4ik left the game [09:23:02] Foxs33 left the game [09:26:17] sanyaking228 logged in [09:33:57] 58gh logged in [09:42:08] lamenkton logged in [09:45:50] 58gh left the game [09:46:39] DacaDaca logged in [09:48:41] DacaDaca left the game [10:16:30] 58gh logged in [10:16:53] seregapixelmon logged in [10:23:27] seregapixelmon left the game [10:23:57] seregapixelmon logged in [10:27:10] Koshak03 logged in [10:32:30] sanyaking228 left the game [10:33:50] nikita57902 logged in [10:37:11] nikita57902 left the game [10:41:12] Rokrek logged in [10:49:10] Rokrek left the game [11:20:32] mongetf logged in [11:20:55] Crystalinchik123 logged in [11:40:16] Afkgamer142 logged in [11:44:19] Kirill1761 logged in [11:45:22] lamenkton left the game [11:48:43] Crystalinchik123 left the game [11:49:05] mongetf left the game [11:52:37] lamenkton logged in [11:53:08] seregapixelmon left the game [11:55:39] Kirill1761 left the game [11:55:50] Kirill1761 logged in [11:55:59] Kirill1761 left the game [12:04:07] 58gh left the game [12:11:37] Afkgamer142 left the game [12:13:36] Nukion logged in [12:17:05] EvaLisa logged in [12:19:13] seregapixelmon logged in [12:22:09] seregapixelmon left the game [12:23:45] rfgh logged in [12:25:02] Gert_fastr logged in [12:25:27] Rooposs1 logged in [12:25:58] Artictr logged in [12:26:38] Rooposs1 left the game [12:26:52] Artictr left the game [12:30:54] Nukion left the game [12:31:22] Nukion logged in [12:33:07] seregapixelmon logged in [12:40:08] Koshak03 left the game [12:40:08] Koshak03 logged in [12:52:52] ToxicBubr logged in [12:57:09] sanyaking228 logged in [13:02:08] Tobi44234 logged in [13:02:10] Fifashka logged in [13:06:31] Den531 logged in [13:10:22] rfgh left the game [13:10:44] Dearme logged in [13:12:10] Fifashka left the game [13:13:44] seregapixelmon left the game [13:21:25] Dzhekson logged in [13:22:55] Gert_fastr left the game [13:24:54] Dzhekson left the game [13:24:58] Nukion left the game [13:24:58] ToxicBubr left the game [13:24:58] sanyaking228 left the game [13:24:58] Koshak03 left the game [13:24:58] Den531 left the game [13:24:58] Tobi44234 left the game [13:24:58] Dearme left the game [13:24:58] lamenkton left the game [13:27:44] Nukion logged in [13:27:59] Koshak03 logged in [13:28:04] Dearme logged in [13:29:46] sanyaking228 logged in [13:30:36] ToxicBubr logged in [13:33:00] lamenkton logged in [13:33:11] Den531 logged in [13:41:51] Nukion left the game [13:42:24] serno_1234 logged in [13:45:08] 58gh logged in [13:59:39] 58gh left the game [13:59:39] 58gh logged in [14:00:32] Afkgamer142 logged in [14:06:55] Tobi44234 logged in [14:08:57] Tobi44234 left the game [14:21:59] godziga logged in [14:22:33] Nukion logged in [14:23:12] Nukion left the game [14:25:16] godziga left the game [14:40:55] Sailor_Moooon logged in [14:44:52] Afkgamer142 left the game [14:45:07] Afkgamer142 logged in [14:50:26] Finik_chu logged in [14:58:49] Dirov logged in [15:00:39] DarkiMax logged in [15:08:55] Nukion logged in [15:09:51] Nukion left the game [15:18:26] ToxicBubr left the game [15:23:04] sanyaking228 left the game [15:26:40] Afkgamer142 left the game [15:39:59] igor_pok logged in [15:44:15] NANANAcvbg logged in [16:01:41] Nukion logged in [16:02:33] Nukion left the game [16:04:56] igor_pok left the game [16:07:22] Sailor_Moooon left the game [16:07:37] Finik_chu left the game [16:10:09] DarkiMax left the game [16:10:45] Dirov left the game [16:11:09] Koshak03 left the game [16:19:44] colossus logged in [16:19:45] Koshak03 logged in [16:20:50] Machina77 logged in [16:26:26] Dearme left the game [16:28:08] Den531 left the game [16:30:04] colossus left the game [16:35:46] Dearme logged in [16:38:51] serno_1234 left the game [16:39:07] serno_1234 logged in [16:49:51] Nukion logged in [16:51:04] Nukion left the game [16:58:53] Tan_San1 logged in [16:59:08] Tan_San1 left the game [17:02:02] Rokrek logged in [17:04:33] Rokrek left the game [17:16:58] Ilya0009 logged in [17:18:14] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [17:18:40] Ilya0009 left the game [17:23:13] Tan_San1 logged in [17:24:46] Amelia_s logged in [17:25:27] Tan_San1 left the game [17:26:07] Amelia_s left the game [17:26:23] 58gh left the game [17:26:36] serno_1234 left the game [17:27:01] lamenkton left the game [17:27:01] Machina77 left the game [17:27:01] NANANAcvbg left the game [17:27:01] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [17:27:01] Koshak03 left the game [17:27:01] Dearme left the game [17:29:06] sanyaking228 logged in [17:29:07] Dearme logged in [17:29:50] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [17:32:38] Koshak03 logged in [17:33:36] seregapixelmon logged in [17:35:04] 58gh logged in [17:36:59] bluberi logged in [17:38:04] Machina77 logged in [17:40:25] Koshak03 left the game [17:46:23] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [17:46:23] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [17:49:41] Koshak03 logged in [17:51:45] serno_1234 logged in [17:56:33] sotus logged in [17:57:19] sotus left the game [17:58:20] ilta36rus logged in [18:01:22] bluberi left the game [18:03:40] lamenkton logged in [18:04:52] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [18:04:52] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [18:05:04] 58gh left the game [18:05:29] Machina77 left the game [18:05:54] Machina77 logged in [18:06:34] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [18:06:34] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [18:09:43] lamenkton left the game [18:09:48] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [18:10:07] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [18:12:27] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [18:12:27] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [18:13:10] serno_1234 left the game [18:18:16] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [18:44:04] Afkgamer142 logged in [18:44:53] igor_pok logged in [19:01:48] Afkgamer142 left the game [19:18:30] Dearme left the game [19:18:51] Dearme logged in [19:19:54] Dragon123951 logged in [19:28:12] LoHanVeka logged in [19:32:30] igor_pok left the game [19:34:54] Machina77 left the game [19:38:19] Murilo logged in [19:39:59] Dragon123951 left the game [19:42:59] kristifeed_01 logged in [19:43:23] ilta36rus left the game [19:43:31] ilta36rus logged in [19:43:33] Murilo left the game [19:50:07] sanyaking228 left the game [19:58:47] ilta36rus left the game [19:59:50] Koshak03 left the game [20:01:00] Dearme left the game [20:01:08] Koshak03 logged in [20:02:41] 58gh logged in [20:04:26] Koshak03 left the game [20:07:18] ZomBi_Flutter11 logged in [20:09:30] 58gh left the game [20:10:15] ZomBi_Flutter11 left the game [20:10:19] 58gh logged in [20:17:44] 58gh left the game [20:24:19] seregapixelmon left the game [20:34:02] Pokemon001 logged in [20:39:07] YFOCHINA228 logged in [20:42:23] YFOCHINA228 left the game [20:45:41] Pokemon001 left the game [20:48:04] Rokrek logged in [20:55:32] Bazilenko logged in [20:55:40] Rokrek left the game [21:02:30] ilta36rus logged in [21:04:33] ilta36rus left the game [21:20:02] Luciela logged in [21:21:08] Luciela left the game [21:29:00] LoHanVeka left the game [21:29:00] Bazilenko left the game [21:29:00] kristifeed_01 left the game [21:30:59] LoHanVeka logged in [21:31:01] kristifeed_01 logged in [21:31:35] Bazilenko logged in [21:36:31] 58gh logged in [21:39:59] zobib logged in [21:56:34] zobib left the game [22:24:11] 58gh left the game [22:24:55] Afkgamer142 logged in [22:31:28] Bazilenko left the game [22:56:39] igor_pok logged in [22:57:41] kristifeed_01 left the game [23:06:18] Afkgamer142 left the game [23:08:21] LoHanVeka left the game [23:21:40] igor_pok left the game [23:53:29] kitkat2288 logged in [23:54:22] kitkat2288 left the game