[00:00:01] Kana_Zieg left the game [00:00:53] Kana_Zieg logged in [00:07:35] Fyflenok logged in [00:07:40] MephilesFun logged in [00:10:52] Fyflenok left the game [00:10:52] Fyflenok logged in [00:12:05] vanyaxyila logged in [00:13:08] ZeRt123 left the game [00:26:59] MephilesFun left the game [00:28:46] Fyflenok left the game [00:29:17] vanyaxyila left the game [00:39:02] SyrKossychka logged in [01:10:35] Nukion left the game [01:11:13] Horgood left the game [01:28:51] SyrKossychka left the game [01:45:47] Nukion logged in [02:20:27] Nukion left the game [02:33:06] Nukion logged in [02:55:20] Capzi left the game [02:55:20] Kana_Zieg left the game [02:55:20] Nukion left the game [02:55:20] monochrom left the game [02:57:25] Nukion logged in [02:59:26] Capzi logged in [03:03:22] Kana_Zieg logged in [03:04:04] Nukion left the game [03:43:06] Kana_Zieg left the game [05:10:17] Capzi left the game [05:10:27] Capzi logged in [05:20:18] Dasha870965 logged in [05:34:28] Dasha870965 left the game [05:34:40] Dasha870965 logged in [05:37:30] Dasha870965 left the game [05:44:37] Dasha870965 logged in [05:49:21] Dasha870965 left the game [06:57:10] Capzi left the game [06:59:20] Capzi logged in [07:06:27] Dasha870965 logged in [07:08:22] Capzi left the game [07:08:59] Dasha870965 left the game [07:34:09] lamenkton logged in [07:48:42] Koshak03 logged in [08:42:16] DacaDaca logged in [08:47:09] DacaDaca left the game [09:03:01] Pepka_cynep logged in [09:09:37] MishkaII logged in [09:10:55] Nukion logged in [09:19:35] Nukion left the game [09:34:53] Capzi logged in [09:54:38] lamenkton left the game [09:59:53] lamenkton logged in [10:00:47] Pepka_cynep left the game [10:04:49] Pepka_cynep logged in [10:29:05] Pepka_cynep left the game [10:59:00] lamenkton left the game [10:59:00] Koshak03 left the game [10:59:00] MishkaII left the game [10:59:00] Capzi left the game [11:00:50] MishkaII logged in [11:00:54] Capzi logged in [11:02:25] shmazer logged in [11:10:22] Rymen_Sukuna logged in [11:10:49] Rymen_Sukuna left the game [11:15:20] MishkaII left the game [11:21:13] MishkaII logged in [11:27:47] Hiruko2434 logged in [11:31:23] Dembario logged in [11:32:36] Stepan43355 logged in [11:34:39] Dembario left the game [11:34:48] Dembario logged in [11:34:51] Darian_velik2 logged in [11:39:28] Capzi left the game [11:40:52] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [11:41:17] PODOROK logged in [11:42:44] Nukion logged in [11:42:57] Koshak03 logged in [11:46:14] shmazer left the game [11:47:50] MaineeS logged in [11:54:35] lamenkton logged in [12:05:48] alakazam123 logged in [12:09:38] alakazam123 left the game [12:10:49] Danil4ik_ logged in [12:18:41] danza logged in [12:21:15] Sataki logged in [12:26:30] colossus logged in [12:31:35] Sataki left the game [12:32:17] FevvG logged in [12:33:45] Hiruko2434 left the game [12:34:40] Sataki logged in [12:37:26] Sataki left the game [12:37:27] kitsuna logged in [12:38:10] Dembario left the game [12:38:38] kitsuna left the game [12:38:58] Stepan43355 left the game [12:40:42] danza left the game [12:44:21] Sataki logged in [12:45:32] MaineeS left the game [12:46:33] Danil4ik_ left the game [12:48:57] MishkaII left the game [12:53:10] Sataki left the game [12:53:17] Sataki logged in [12:55:32] Sataki left the game [13:17:53] PODOROK left the game [13:21:40] Darian_velik2 left the game [13:30:36] PODOROK logged in [13:31:46] fics196 logged in [13:33:12] colossus left the game [13:33:51] alakazam123 logged in [13:34:44] alakazam123 left the game [13:41:54] fics196 left the game [13:42:50] legendtrainer23 logged in [13:43:57] Danil4ik_ logged in [14:24:01] legendtrainer23 left the game [14:30:11] Koshak03 left the game [14:35:51] Koshak03 logged in [14:37:11] SyrKossychka logged in [14:42:53] Danil4ik_ left the game [14:43:02] Danil4ik_ logged in [14:57:04] SyrKossychka left the game [15:00:50] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [15:00:50] FevvG left the game [15:00:50] PODOROK left the game [15:00:50] Nukion left the game [15:00:50] Koshak03 left the game [15:00:50] Danil4ik_ left the game [15:00:50] lamenkton left the game [15:02:43] PODOROK logged in [15:02:54] Danil4ik_ logged in [15:03:19] lamenkton logged in [15:03:50] _Adept_Xiao_ logged in [15:04:33] _Adept_Xiao_ left the game [15:05:17] FevvG logged in [15:06:04] Amirturbo logged in [15:12:45] Amirturbo left the game [15:13:29] Nukion logged in [15:14:16] SyrKossychka logged in [15:14:20] Danil4ik_ left the game [15:14:28] Danil4ik_ logged in [15:14:55] SyrKossychka left the game [15:15:05] Danil4ik_ left the game [15:15:12] Danil4ik_ logged in [15:16:32] Koshak03 logged in [15:20:31] Ansha105 logged in [15:22:59] Ansha105 left the game [15:28:13] PODOROK left the game [15:28:29] PODOROK logged in [15:33:30] Hiruko2434 logged in [15:34:07] PODOROK left the game [15:35:27] fackiren4132 logged in [15:35:52] Danil4ik_ left the game [15:49:59] Itz_Alexa logged in [15:50:40] Itz_Alexa left the game [15:54:56] xiLLEs logged in [15:59:23] xiLLEs left the game [16:00:27] xiLLEs logged in [16:02:59] xiLLEs left the game [16:10:01] Murilo logged in [16:17:22] Murilo left the game [16:21:58] SpAcE_22 logged in [16:25:56] alakazam123 logged in [16:26:25] alakazam123 left the game [16:34:50] PODOROK logged in [16:38:45] SpAcE_22 left the game [16:39:36] Nukion left the game [16:47:48] Nukion logged in [16:50:42] Hiruko2434 left the game [16:50:59] Hiruko2434 logged in [16:51:34] shmazer logged in [16:52:13] Hiruko2434 left the game [16:56:29] Hiruko2434 logged in [16:58:35] shmazer left the game [16:59:58] FevvG left the game [17:11:14] PODOROK left the game [17:27:35] MishkaII logged in [17:43:07] MishkaII left the game [17:45:50] SyrKossychka logged in [17:46:21] Capzi logged in [18:03:18] lamenkton left the game [18:03:20] SyrKossychka left the game [18:06:35] Hiruko2434 left the game [18:07:23] Capzi left the game [18:08:24] Blayz_z logged in [18:09:12] Blayz_z logged in [18:11:10] Koshak03 left the game [18:12:55] yakalka136 logged in [18:13:31] Itz_Alexa logged in [18:14:01] Ansha105 logged in [18:17:28] FevvG logged in [18:21:02] Itz_Alexa left the game [18:21:12] Itz_Alexa logged in [18:29:58] Itz_Alexa left the game [18:37:15] yakalka136 left the game [18:58:22] Ansha105 left the game [18:59:47] MishkaII logged in [19:02:03] FevvG left the game [19:02:42] Nukion left the game [19:02:42] MishkaII left the game [19:07:14] ABPOPA1 logged in [19:10:01] Nukion logged in [19:11:59] ABPOPA1 left the game [19:16:46] Utka_Erik logged in [19:17:20] Hiruko2434 logged in [19:59:21] Utka_Erik left the game [20:14:16] Hiruko2434 left the game [20:22:20] ZeRt123 logged in [20:28:41] yakalka136 logged in [20:30:35] yakalka136 left the game [20:30:36] lubomiralka2 logged in [20:30:47] yakalka136 logged in [20:34:31] Hiruko2434 logged in [20:41:11] Hiruko2434 left the game [20:54:50] zh1z1 logged in [20:55:43] MishkaII logged in [20:57:59] zh1z1 left the game [20:59:08] zh1z1 logged in [21:01:36] zh1z1 left the game [21:06:33] zh1z1 logged in [21:06:49] zh1z1 left the game [21:13:39] Utka_Erik logged in [21:20:01] Utka_Erik left the game [21:20:19] Utka_Erik logged in [21:20:43] Utka_Erik left the game [21:21:46] lubomiralka2 left the game [21:22:14] yakalka136 left the game [21:26:03] zh1z1 logged in [21:27:06] Utka_Erik logged in [21:27:41] zh1z1 left the game [21:31:16] Hiruko2434 logged in [21:35:04] Hiruko2434 left the game [22:08:51] zh1z1 logged in [22:09:11] zh1z1 left the game [22:20:22] EBOL_VLASIK logged in [22:22:22] EBOL_VLASIK left the game [22:28:48] MishkaII left the game [22:36:00] Utka_Erik left the game [22:37:52] kreeper1king logged in [22:39:47] kreeper1king left the game [22:40:08] ZeRt123 left the game [22:45:46] Nukion left the game [22:58:20] Nukion logged in [23:04:33] Nukion left the game [23:06:46] Nukion logged in [23:37:12] FevvG logged in [23:45:33] Baubai47 logged in [23:46:03] Baubai47 left the game [23:57:11] Ansha105 logged in [23:58:30] Ansha105 left the game