[00:00:22] Zapy logged in [00:02:37] Charizardych left the game [00:10:37] kitinnrus logged in [00:10:39] kitinnrus left the game [00:10:41] xalant logged in [00:10:42] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [00:11:21] Geyey logged in [00:11:29] AleB0r logged in [00:11:48] Artemka22 logged in [00:13:20] Anthony531 logged in [00:13:36] sironspons logged in [00:14:00] Trudaga logged in [00:14:42] Zapy logged in [00:15:04] Diman_Grand logged in [00:24:48] Artemka22 left the game [00:31:18] sironspons left the game [00:32:39] Pamp9rs logged in [00:34:19] Zapy left the game [00:43:02] Ventisa logged in [00:43:15] Ventisa left the game [00:49:03] Diman_Grand left the game [00:52:11] Diman_Grand logged in [00:56:33] Diman_Grand left the game [01:01:19] Zlain777VvvV logged in [01:01:35] Trudaga left the game [01:02:16] Diman_Grand logged in [01:04:56] Charizardych logged in [01:06:08] Mainee11 logged in [01:11:29] Mainee11 left the game [01:12:36] Anthony531 left the game [01:17:30] Pamp9rs left the game [01:18:50] Mainee11 logged in [01:44:32] Artemka22 logged in [01:53:32] Firerix logged in [02:12:37] Anthony531 logged in [02:17:28] xalant left the game [02:19:50] Diman_Grand left the game [02:32:52] Zlain777VvvV left the game [03:04:04] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [03:04:04] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [03:15:47] Geyey left the game [03:32:02] Mainee11 left the game [03:52:47] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [03:52:47] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [03:53:35] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [03:59:22] leshu_napolu logged in [03:59:50] leshu_napolu left the game [04:03:51] sane4ka1709 logged in [04:04:15] sane4ka1709 left the game [04:10:32] AleB0r left the game [04:10:32] Anthony531 left the game [04:10:32] Firerix left the game [04:10:32] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [04:10:32] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [04:10:32] Charizardych left the game [04:10:32] Artemka22 left the game [04:12:42] potern logged in [04:12:44] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [04:12:56] Anthony531 logged in [04:14:08] Charizardych logged in [04:14:21] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [04:15:05] Mikyno logged in [04:19:48] Charizardych left the game [04:19:59] Charizardych logged in [04:21:05] Mikyno left the game [04:21:14] Mikyno logged in [04:22:43] Mikyno left the game [04:39:11] 1337timmy logged in [04:52:09] Charizardych left the game [05:00:33] Dasha870965 logged in [05:15:36] Geyey logged in [05:31:07] Dasha870965 left the game [05:36:26] Anthony531 left the game [06:03:31] FlaimeZ logged in [06:04:52] FlaimeZ left the game [06:07:48] Firerix logged in [06:10:50] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [06:13:11] Firerix left the game [06:13:23] Firerix logged in [06:26:23] _kictys_ logged in [06:28:07] BACUJICA logged in [06:31:33] 1337timmy left the game [06:31:46] 1337timmy logged in [06:36:44] BACUJICA left the game [06:42:32] dante26 logged in [06:47:56] _kictys_ left the game [06:47:56] _kictys_ logged in [06:56:01] _kictys_ left the game [06:56:01] _kictys_ logged in [06:56:10] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [06:56:12] _kictys_ logged in [07:12:38] Firerix left the game [07:19:31] Dizbeznt logged in [07:25:12] _kictys_ left the game [07:25:39] Dizbeznt left the game [07:34:46] Diman_Grand logged in [07:37:23] Diman_Grand left the game [07:44:08] Diman_Grand logged in [07:48:43] Otomcik logged in [07:49:59] manytails555 logged in [07:57:43] fight1552 logged in [08:00:16] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [08:00:37] Diman_Grand left the game [08:01:06] Diman_Grand logged in [08:03:21] Top1ggGamer logged in [08:04:56] pelmenos logged in [08:07:17] pelmenos left the game [08:07:25] pelmenos logged in [08:11:24] Top1ggGamer left the game [08:11:38] 1337timmy left the game [08:11:42] manytails555 left the game [08:12:31] potern left the game [08:12:31] Geyey left the game [08:12:31] dante26 left the game [08:12:31] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [08:12:31] Diman_Grand left the game [08:12:31] Otomcik left the game [08:12:31] pelmenos left the game [08:12:31] fight1552 left the game [08:14:51] fight1552 logged in [08:14:55] Geyey logged in [08:14:57] AleB0r logged in [08:15:12] 1337timmy logged in [08:15:32] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [08:15:45] Diman_Grand logged in [08:16:06] pelmenos logged in [08:16:54] manytails555 logged in [08:17:38] dante26 logged in [08:23:03] pelmenos left the game [08:23:10] pelmenos logged in [08:32:46] K0ronka logged in [08:36:02] Otomcik logged in [08:43:29] dante26 left the game [08:43:43] dante26 logged in [08:47:40] Mabsd logged in [08:49:36] manytails555 left the game [08:50:29] cloW08 logged in [08:50:47] cloW08 logged in [08:51:08] manytails555 logged in [08:52:46] K0ronka left the game [08:52:58] K0ronka logged in [08:57:07] Geyey left the game [08:59:47] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [09:09:02] K0ronka left the game [09:09:47] fight1552 left the game [09:14:49] fight1552 logged in [09:21:03] manytails555 left the game [09:21:17] manytails555 logged in [09:22:42] TERRARI56 logged in [09:26:30] 1337timmy left the game [09:27:44] Kola_0101 logged in [09:29:28] puding_02 logged in [09:32:26] pelmenos left the game [09:32:54] Leytenant17 logged in [09:34:19] fight1552 left the game [09:34:23] K0ronka logged in [09:42:53] fight1552 logged in [09:53:10] Zlain777VvvV logged in [09:54:20] xironix logged in [09:54:28] Farsil logged in [09:55:36] foxy151 logged in [09:55:58] 1337timmy logged in [09:56:05] Diman_Grand left the game [09:58:56] Diman_Grand logged in [10:01:55] TheM1ndalzzz logged in [10:03:22] foxy151 left the game [10:04:58] Arteml19812 logged in [10:06:17] foxy151 logged in [10:07:37] Top1ggGamer logged in [10:07:59] Arteml19812 left the game [10:08:41] K0ronka left the game [10:09:26] Zlain777VvvV left the game [10:09:42] Zlain777VvvV logged in [10:13:08] Otomcik left the game [10:15:06] foxy151 left the game [10:15:30] K0ronka logged in [10:16:32] Farsil left the game [10:16:51] Otomcik logged in [10:17:10] 1337timmy left the game [10:17:11] foxy151 logged in [10:17:15] Top1ggGamer left the game [10:17:43] foxy151 left the game [10:20:07] Zlain777VvvV logged in [10:20:08] manytails555 left the game [10:20:19] fight1552 left the game [10:20:48] foxy151 logged in [10:26:50] fight1552 logged in [10:27:14] Zlain777VvvV left the game [10:29:08] KLauncher_wvgiwc logged in [10:30:29] olegg_2210 logged in [10:31:46] KLauncher_wvgiwc left the game [10:34:28] KLauncher_wvgiwc logged in [10:36:12] Kamil1489703 logged in [10:36:30] Kamil1489703 left the game [10:41:08] KLauncher_wvgiwc left the game [10:41:08] KLauncher_wvgiwc logged in [10:41:34] Zlain777VvvV logged in [10:42:13] 4325 logged in [10:42:57] KLauncher_wvgiwc left the game [10:46:35] potern logged in [10:47:13] godziga logged in [10:47:32] fight1552 left the game [10:50:00] Zlain777VvvV left the game [10:50:37] fight1552 logged in [10:51:15] fight1552 left the game [10:52:29] ekirillar logged in [10:53:21] fight1552 logged in [10:55:49] ekirillar left the game [10:58:20] Akrenok logged in [11:03:08] AleB0r left the game [11:07:48] AleB0r logged in [11:08:55] Akrenok left the game [11:13:05] Leytenant17 left the game [11:17:40] lonely20 logged in [11:18:26] Artemka22 logged in [11:23:05] Otomcik left the game [11:23:25] Otomcik logged in [11:24:30] lonely20 left the game [11:24:40] lonely20 logged in [11:25:03] Farsil logged in [11:25:20] potern left the game [11:25:55] olegg_2210 left the game [11:26:19] olegg_2210 logged in [11:27:23] Leytenant17 logged in [11:28:33] Farsil left the game [11:30:02] Leytenant17 left the game [11:31:02] lonely20 left the game [11:36:42] TheM1ndalzzz left the game [11:37:24] lonely20 logged in [11:40:06] kitinnrus logged in [11:40:37] kitinnrus left the game [11:42:10] Kola_0101 left the game [11:42:39] xalant logged in [11:43:17] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [11:45:45] shadooooew logged in [11:47:08] puding_02 left the game [11:49:27] fight1552 left the game [11:52:21] godziga left the game [11:54:15] godziga logged in [11:56:21] Gugsya logged in [11:57:02] fight1552 logged in [11:57:24] Xjeday logged in [11:57:31] xironix left the game [11:57:34] Scorp_87122 logged in [11:58:30] Daniar59452 logged in [12:00:21] Gugsya left the game [12:11:18] fight1552 left the game [12:11:33] fight1552 logged in [12:13:34] olegg_2210 left the game [12:14:25] Diman_Grand left the game [12:14:26] K0ronka left the game [12:14:27] Otomcik left the game [12:14:29] dante26 left the game [12:14:29] Mabsd left the game [12:14:29] TERRARI56 left the game [12:14:29] AleB0r left the game [12:14:29] foxy151 left the game [12:14:29] lonely20 left the game [12:14:29] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [12:14:29] godziga left the game [12:14:29] Xjeday left the game [12:14:29] Scorp_87122 left the game [12:14:29] 4325 left the game [12:14:29] Daniar59452 left the game [12:14:29] xalant left the game [12:14:29] fight1552 left the game [12:14:29] Artemka22 left the game [12:16:28] Artemka22 logged in [12:16:31] Xjeday logged in [12:16:33] Diman_Grand logged in [12:16:36] dante26 logged in [12:16:37] klaccnbIi_tip logged in [12:16:40] AleB0r logged in [12:16:41] Volfin logged in [12:16:46] godziga logged in [12:17:03] Ventisa logged in [12:17:07] olegg_2210 logged in [12:17:28] Scorp_87122 logged in [12:18:44] fight1552 logged in [12:19:50] Otomcik logged in [12:20:21] Daniar59452 logged in [12:20:55] Top1ggGamer logged in [12:21:04] TERRARI56 logged in [12:21:31] urmala logged in [12:25:23] pelmenos logged in [12:25:54] Scorp_87122 left the game [12:26:00] Necronomicon logged in [12:26:36] xironix logged in [12:26:39] Necronomicon left the game [12:27:45] Top1ggGamer left the game [12:29:58] fight1552 left the game [12:32:08] Rauth logged in [12:33:47] Rauth left the game [12:35:38] Rauth logged in [12:36:06] Akrenok logged in [12:37:26] Rauth left the game [12:37:30] Akrenok left the game [12:44:10] Trudaga logged in [12:50:28] Daniar59452 left the game [12:51:58] fight1552 logged in [12:52:31] foxy151 logged in [12:54:26] niazbekcool logged in [12:56:52] Volfin left the game [12:58:08] fight1552 left the game [12:58:13] pelmenos left the game [13:01:28] xalant logged in [13:02:05] Trudaga left the game [13:03:12] Farsil logged in [13:04:08] fight1552 logged in [13:04:33] Farsil left the game [13:05:04] fight1552 left the game [13:05:28] Xjeday left the game [13:08:08] kayto_ logged in [13:09:24] Ventisa left the game [13:09:38] Ventisa logged in [13:10:09] Xjeday logged in [13:10:11] belokurov logged in [13:12:43] Kola_0101 logged in [13:12:57] Leytenant17 logged in [13:15:50] Malinko logged in [13:17:05] Farsil logged in [13:17:21] godziga left the game [13:20:18] belokurov left the game [13:20:39] Farsil left the game [13:20:59] Farsil logged in [13:24:34] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [13:25:19] fight1552 logged in [13:28:17] AnT1SePT1K logged in [13:30:10] niazbekcool left the game [13:30:43] TrustedName logged in [13:32:54] TrustedName left the game [13:36:34] Kola_0101 left the game [13:39:22] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [13:40:05] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [13:59:15] Malinko left the game [14:01:22] Farsil left the game [14:04:37] Xjeday left the game [14:06:10] belokurov logged in [14:06:18] Otomcik left the game [14:06:39] Otomcik logged in [14:07:27] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [14:07:27] teee45 logged in [14:08:11] xalant left the game [14:08:58] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [14:09:54] Otomcik left the game [14:10:03] Leytenant17 left the game [14:11:00] KARABIN logged in [14:11:34] Trudaga logged in [14:14:19] Otomcik logged in [14:16:50] teee45 left the game [14:17:15] belokurov left the game [14:18:32] AleB0r left the game [14:19:07] dante26 left the game [14:21:24] AleBOr logged in [14:21:45] teee45 logged in [14:22:46] AleBOr left the game [14:23:24] fight1552 left the game [14:23:58] klaccnbIi_tip left the game [14:25:04] Trudaga left the game [14:31:41] Trudaga logged in [14:33:50] Otomcik left the game [14:35:54] fight1552 logged in [14:36:35] olegg_2210 left the game [14:36:55] fight1552 left the game [14:38:16] Ventisa left the game [14:39:21] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [14:39:34] belokurov logged in [14:42:05] Trudaga left the game [14:42:11] xironix left the game [14:44:32] KARABIN left the game [14:44:49] KARABIN logged in [14:45:37] KARABIN left the game [14:50:36] belokurov left the game [14:56:02] AleB0r logged in [14:58:02] Zapy logged in [14:58:18] manytails555 logged in [15:00:37] Zapy left the game [15:04:48] Ventisa logged in [15:05:10] Kamil1489703 logged in [15:05:33] Kamil1489703 left the game [15:07:50] karatistqq logged in [15:08:23] godziga logged in [15:08:48] Ventisa left the game [15:16:46] karatistqq left the game [15:21:03] xalant logged in [15:21:13] Charizardych logged in [15:23:37] K0ronka logged in [15:24:17] AleBOr logged in [15:26:34] AleBOr left the game [15:26:51] Diman_Grand left the game [15:30:08] Diman_Grand logged in [15:34:30] olegg_2210 logged in [15:35:16] fight1552 logged in [15:40:09] Rolil228 logged in [15:40:43] dante26 logged in [15:43:23] fight1552 left the game [15:43:42] manytails555 left the game [15:43:56] teee45 left the game [15:45:48] Rolil228 left the game [15:47:43] xironix logged in [15:49:39] AleB0r left the game [15:51:09] karatistqq logged in [15:55:41] xalant left the game [15:56:49] Charizardych left the game [15:57:01] Charizardych logged in [15:57:52] olegg_2210 left the game [16:00:29] karatistqq left the game [16:03:54] Diman_Grand left the game [16:04:21] kayto_ left the game [16:04:48] godziga left the game [16:05:42] fantdimon logged in [16:09:07] fantdimon left the game [16:12:48] dante26 left the game [16:15:15] Zlain777VvvV logged in [16:16:08] Zlain777VvvV left the game [16:16:19] K0ronka left the game [16:16:29] TERRARI56 left the game [16:16:29] Artemka22 left the game [16:16:29] Charizardych left the game [16:16:29] xironix left the game [16:16:29] foxy151 left the game [16:16:29] AnT1SePT1K left the game [16:16:29] urmala left the game [16:18:26] xalant logged in [16:18:28] simpl8 logged in [16:18:29] xironix logged in [16:18:30] Artemka22 logged in [16:18:43] Charizardych logged in [16:18:53] simpl8 left the game [16:18:57] lamenkton logged in [16:20:56] AnT1SePT1K logged in [16:21:37] Mabsd logged in [16:23:35] xironix left the game [16:24:11] olegg_2210 logged in [16:32:53] Mabsd left the game [16:33:49] xalant left the game [16:33:58] Mabsd logged in [16:37:24] sosipipisky logged in [16:37:48] sosipipisky left the game [16:43:10] ReDracon2012 logged in [16:44:11] ReDracon2012 left the game [16:54:46] DJviniL201 logged in [16:55:24] DJviniL201 left the game [16:57:15] tikhon20 logged in [17:07:46] tim06109898 logged in [17:11:09] pelmenos logged in [17:11:49] tim06109898 left the game [17:13:35] tim06109898 logged in [17:16:31] FlaimeZ logged in [17:17:30] FlaimeZ left the game [17:18:11] sosipipisky logged in [17:18:17] sosipipisky left the game [17:19:12] pelmenos left the game [17:25:00] dante26 logged in [17:26:32] dante26 left the game [17:32:49] tikhon20 left the game [17:32:59] Sos1pipisky logged in [17:33:34] Sos1pipisky left the game [17:35:02] bobkaYT123 logged in [17:35:25] bobkaYT123 left the game [17:35:44] tikhon20 logged in [17:37:03] tikhon20 left the game [17:37:22] bobkaYT123 logged in [17:39:38] bobkaYT123 left the game [17:40:01] roolser logged in [17:40:05] tikhon20 logged in [17:43:05] foxy151 logged in [17:51:18] bobkaYT123 logged in [17:51:39] olegg_2210 left the game [17:53:10] bobkaYT123 left the game [17:59:58] tokcil logged in [18:02:37] TERRARI56 logged in [18:03:54] Whity187 logged in [18:10:07] xAltron1 logged in [18:11:35] dante26 logged in [18:11:57] xAltron1 left the game [18:13:40] Ventisa logged in [18:13:54] tim06109898 left the game [18:15:01] TERRARI56 left the game [18:17:56] Tobi_q logged in [18:22:11] urmala logged in [18:22:18] Brondels logged in [18:23:38] urmala left the game [18:24:07] tikhon20 left the game [18:25:36] Geyey logged in [18:27:57] Ventisa left the game [18:28:04] fight1552 logged in [18:28:10] Ventisa logged in [18:30:32] urmala logged in [18:31:13] tikhon20 logged in [18:31:59] Ventisa left the game [18:33:40] tikhon20 left the game [18:38:34] tikhon20 logged in [18:39:44] Slark_Morphling logged in [18:40:20] Slark_Morphling left the game [18:41:20] tokcil left the game [18:51:48] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [18:52:46] xalant logged in [18:55:35] Geyey left the game [19:01:30] Vondu logged in [19:12:30] tikhon20 left the game [19:16:09] Artemka22 left the game [19:16:20] tikhon20 logged in [19:17:35] pelmenos logged in [19:30:09] Rain_Kendo logged in [19:32:06] olegg_2210 logged in [19:32:47] Rain_Kendo left the game [19:37:28] 9Bonikas6 logged in [19:39:14] Vondu left the game [19:39:44] Vondu logged in [19:42:29] Vondu left the game [19:43:56] Mabsd left the game [19:44:15] foxy151 left the game [19:44:25] foxy151 logged in [19:46:59] Tobi_q left the game [19:47:05] Den531 logged in [19:47:26] Den531 logged in [19:47:45] Den531 logged in [19:47:56] Artemka22 logged in [19:48:09] Den531 logged in [19:51:09] Vondu logged in [19:51:26] dante26 left the game [19:54:19] phoenix880 logged in [19:56:09] Charizardych left the game [19:57:29] Den531 logged in [20:06:19] 9Bonikas6 left the game [20:06:43] Mabsd logged in [20:07:41] olegg_2210 left the game [20:07:41] olegg_2210 logged in [20:08:41] lamenkton left the game [20:10:47] roolser left the game [20:18:19] xalant left the game [20:18:23] Whity187 left the game [20:18:23] urmala left the game [20:18:23] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [20:18:23] pelmenos left the game [20:18:23] fight1552 left the game [20:18:23] tikhon20 left the game [20:18:23] Vondu left the game [20:18:23] phoenix880 left the game [20:18:23] Mabsd left the game [20:18:23] olegg_2210 left the game [20:18:23] foxy151 left the game [20:18:23] Brondels left the game [20:18:23] Artemka22 left the game [20:18:23] AnT1SePT1K left the game [20:20:27] tikhon20 logged in [20:20:28] Kamil1489703 logged in [20:20:29] Artemka22 logged in [20:20:29] unu987 logged in [20:20:33] fight1552 logged in [20:20:40] Mabsd logged in [20:20:41] Kamil1489703 left the game [20:20:44] Vondu logged in [20:21:24] Brondels logged in [20:21:38] AnT1SePT1K logged in [20:23:45] Whity187 logged in [20:24:08] Anthony531 logged in [20:25:35] foxy151 logged in [20:26:18] olegg_2210 logged in [20:28:14] dfhdb logged in [20:29:11] dfhdb left the game [20:30:19] unu987 left the game [20:33:20] Whity187 left the game [20:33:22] KONI_B_PALTO logged in [20:39:25] AnT1SePT1K left the game [20:40:07] tegroluv logged in [20:40:41] tegroluv left the game [20:46:06] xalant logged in [20:49:10] MORZH1746 logged in [21:00:54] Mainee11 logged in [21:01:32] Xaise_Juzo logged in [21:02:43] Xaise_Juzo left the game [21:04:07] Itz_Alexa logged in [21:04:56] Itz_Alexa left the game [21:10:32] Diman_Grand logged in [21:22:05] Ventisa logged in [21:23:47] EGO11ST logged in [21:24:25] HEQRON logged in [21:24:55] HEQRON left the game [21:25:32] godziga logged in [21:31:13] EGO11ST left the game [21:33:23] kayto_ logged in [21:41:19] BraveWolf logged in [21:42:16] Otomcik logged in [21:43:52] JvJ logged in [21:46:20] Diman_Grand left the game [21:47:46] olegg_2210 left the game [21:48:56] tikhon20 left the game [21:49:36] OPRHIV logged in [21:49:50] Ventisa left the game [21:51:19] fight1552 left the game [21:51:28] Artemka22 left the game [21:55:18] Safuraii logged in [21:55:49] JvJ left the game [21:56:01] Safuraii left the game [21:56:32] OPRHIV left the game [22:01:59] fight1552 logged in [22:02:41] fight1552 left the game [22:05:03] Trudaga logged in [22:07:33] BraveWolf left the game [22:07:40] Vondu left the game [22:08:35] MORZH1746 left the game [22:13:17] Reweghit logged in [22:16:49] Artemka22 logged in [22:18:29] Farsil logged in [22:18:44] Diman_Grand logged in [22:19:00] KONI_B_PALTO left the game [22:19:09] Diman_Grand left the game [22:20:57] Farsil left the game [22:23:26] Diman_Grand logged in [22:28:08] fight1552 logged in [22:33:29] Otomcik left the game [22:39:52] Mainee11 left the game [22:42:36] Brondels left the game [22:43:18] Plurex logged in [22:49:34] Zlain777VvvV logged in [22:53:40] Reweghit left the game [22:58:40] godziga left the game [23:00:10] Farsil logged in [23:00:29] RAKED34567 logged in [23:00:45] MORZH1746 logged in [23:01:58] Plurex left the game [23:02:22] RAKED34567 left the game [23:02:58] Safuraii logged in [23:03:20] Safuraii left the game [23:06:58] AnT1SePT1K logged in [23:08:07] fight1552 left the game [23:12:21] Mabsd left the game [23:21:03] Plurex logged in [23:28:30] LittleTriss logged in [23:28:32] Plurex left the game [23:29:36] Leytenant17 logged in [23:31:42] roolser logged in [23:31:53] Firerix logged in [23:33:12] xalant left the game [23:36:28] MORZH1746 left the game [23:37:24] foxy151 left the game [23:38:23] Farsil left the game [23:42:14] Zlain777VvvV left the game [23:45:04] xalant logged in [23:57:36] Leytenant17 left the game